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Affiliate Earnings February 2024

Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

How much did I earn in February 2024?

Not really much to report. Work continues on my home electronics workbench project. The next part of the bench has been ordered. I’ve ordered two extension cords made by Brennenstuhl both from the Premium-Line models

I ordered the Brennenstuhl 12-Way for powering my Electronics workbench, and the Brennenstul 6-Way for powering my computer desk

Next month I will be buying a 1-way PDU to fit onto the rackmount area of my Electronics workbench

Have no plans for the website, just keep posting and working on generating content. I’ve noticed that more of my car articles are ranking #1 in Google for repairs on VW Golf and Audi A3 so the rankings continue to improve. I’ve got a few repairs I need to look at so I’ll be posting about these on the website or blog to for increasing my traffic

My affiliate earnings for February 2024

Google Adsense£1.10
eBay Partner Network£2.94Commision earnings
Amazon Affiliates£0.00
Newsflare£0.00Abandoned Youtube, better results with Newsflare
Shopping Receipts£0.00Amazon Shopper Panel
Amazon KDP£0.00

Total Earnings for February 2024


Monthly admin thoughts

Bit of a poor performance this month (at least financially). No major change in the website traffic, I’m trying to switch over more to Amazon affiliate links, as creating links with Amazon is a doddle compared to eBay Partner Network. You have to create an entire campaign, then a link for the code, then generate code. The Amazon affiliate program just has a plugin, you click “get code” and it’s there for you.

Kind of makes sense why so  many people use it now. Not to mention the payments you get with the EPN are rubbish now, and compared to Amazon it’s night and day with the earnings. I’m going to experiment more with my Google Adsense ads I think as they’re performing better, and worse at the same time.