Hello, welcome to this website. It's my own personal space on the net that I use as my dumping ground for information.
This website has been created to house my own projects alongside technical troubleshooting information for automotive and information technologies. I frequently post repair guides for Volkswagen vehicles, the most common repair guides this site holds are for the Volkswagen Golf MK5 and Audi A3 repairs, it is the PQ35 platform car which is covered across many cars within the VAG family. I am a keen and avid DIY fan always aiming to save money when working on my vehicles. You can browse the categories on this website to find something you are looking for.
When it comes to the website, I update content as and when. It's a personal website, just my own dumping ground for bits of everything. I'm transitioning into more of a blogger, so the Website will be more focussed towards Auto Repair Articles, Projects and Blogging. I write a lot of content for Volkswagen repairs, as such my Website tends to rank quite highly for a lot of the common faults people experience with their vehicles.
I'm keeping this home page short, choose a category at the top to read more