Article Date: 04/01/20
Article Updated : 23/03/20

I help pay for my website through money I earn via affiliate fees, however the money you earn from ebay partner network is rubbish. I'm looking at developing this so I can also make an income from it, as my site is generating more and more traffic which I'm paying for out of my own pocket currently

So if you sell products or services for products on my website and would like to form a direct partnership please get in touch. I tend to get around £0.10 to £2.00 commission for anything I sell via ebay which to me is pathetic, you can see below the sales I've made to date and the earnings I've made since I started with EPN in July 2016, over the period of approx 36 months I'm averaging around £4.59 in earnings from EPN but driving close to £100 p/m in sales.

An additional note: my website isn't currently optimised, and I'm developing a lot more content for it and delving more and more into optimisation each month. At the moment I'm only doing a 10% conversion rate, so there's a large amount of potential once I work out what's increasing these profits. I'd rather market directly with people if selling products on my website (either through affiliate links or the store), as I'm putting my own name on this, it will be very selective on who I choose.

I'm driving a large amount of sales to ebay sellers as you can see, and to me I'd rather making £1-2 or £10 profit directly selling an item for someone than what I'm being paid now. Traffic on my website is increasing every month so this only gets better, and once I release a new website design (currently it's not optimised for mobile usage) I expect the sales to increase

UPDATE : 23/03/20 - The new site has been released (2020) and sales are doing better for me. I'm now working on converting my site to https:// secure and also adding search functionality, so I can utilise the site search with Google. I feel these are hurting my SEO, and I'm getting better results now. Thankfully one of my posts on my blog is #1 in Google so I now get more traffic daily on my site




01-01-16 to 31-12-16 £113.93 £5.91 (5.19%)
01-01-17 to 31-12-17 £686.20 £33.95 (4.95%)
01-01-18 to 31-12-18 £2302.89 £100.75 (4.37%)
01-01-19 to 31-12-19 £1389.73 (£458.50) £70.96 (5.10%) (£24.67)
2020 to date (23/03/20) £2135.20 £50.99 (2.4%)

£6627.95 (£3561.52)

£262.56 (£165.28)

I've put the older figures above for when I wrote the article and as you can see, in 2019. I made an extra £900 sales, and around £45 in earnings. This year I've made £2100 since releasing the new site, and £50 in sales. My total earnings have dropped down again, which is why I don't like the EPN. You can see I'm now earning even less, but driving even more in sales

What products I'm looking to advertise / sell (whilst my site primarily focusses on VW Golf MK5 and so products should focus on this area), anything Automotive is OK too. I plan on integrating my affiliates into my Magento Store when it's setup, so they can have their own pages. For now, I will just use direct links. Some ideas I'm looking for are below


Get in touch. I'll be happy to hear from you if I like your products

You can contact me at the following address : If you're not a robot, this should be easy to understand - (admin - at -
Please put the subject as Elmo Sesame Street to verify you've read this post and start a conversation with me. I get a lot of spam. So I will know what to delete and what not