Repairing the broken G45 Front Wheel Speed Connector on my Audi A3

Article Date: 05/02/2022


This post contains affiliate links and advertising which I use to support my website. I don't like heavy advertisement, so try to keep it minimal but ads do help me keep my site running. I appreciate you purchasing products from the links provided as they help me out. You are under no obligation to do this, but I appreciate the support. I take no responsibility for any damage caused for your vehicle. These website articles are intended on guides to help out people who do their own DIY vehicle repairs. I always recommend the use of a professional at all times.

Tools for repairing the wheel speed connector

In order to repair a broken wheel speed connector on an Audi A3 I recommend the following tools and items

Tools to replace G45 Connector

How to repair the wheel speed connector

G45 sensor errors on SO57RMX

G45 broken connector Damaged pins on G45 Connector G45 Connector pins straightened up

G45 connector repair kit from H2F Connectors G45 repair kit, alternate angle

G45 comparing wires G45 connector removing old wire Old G45 connector, bodged repair

G45 always test the wires first

G45 connector matching wire colours G45 wires repaired and covered with heat shrink G45 repair kit wire colours

G45 connector repaired with convulted tube G45 Connector fixed dash lights on SO57RMX


Your vehicle should now be repaired, I would suggest giving yourself around 1 hour to do this job from start to finish


After thoughts / Learn from my mistakes

This repair took me approximately 2 hours to do, it would have been quicker, but I was taking photos and had my own problems I had to sort out cos I was being thick and impatient and because I was rushing around as it was cold

G45, me learning from mistakes

  1. Make sure your connector is UNPLUGGED while doing this repair, only plug it in after the repair is finished and to "test", repairing whilst plugged in will stress the wires in the connector.
  2. Make sure the wires are cut with equal lengths to prevent any undue stress on the connector
  3. Twist the wires together first, and test with ignition on afterwards. Don't bother soldering or making a permanent connection until you know it's good. Even if you're going to crimp them, it would be quick to test with twisting the wires first to make sure the repair will work (you may have a duff sensor for example)