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Affiliate Earnings February 2023

How much did I earn in February 2023?

Not much growth, traffic has stayed the same (slightly better), earnings still poo, but I’m generally not bothered around that. Mainly focussed on growing the site more, earnings later. I’d like to keep adding new content, it gets boring reading the same old stuff every time, so a lot more of my “Geeky” personality is starting to show on this site now, hence why my newer things are appearing

My affiliate earnings for February 2023

Google Adsense£3.31
eBay Partner Network£0.80Commision earnings
Amazon Affiliates£0.00
Youtube£0.00This channel will be for Dashcam/Road Safety
Amazon KDP£0.00

Total Earnings for February 2023


Monthly admin thoughts

Nothing really done much, I started uploading videos to my Dashcam Channel on Youtube finally.Only had it years and never used it, given that I have several hundred videos I wanted to start with some compilations, and then post more recent stuff on it. Whilst I do intend on monetising the channel eventually, it’s more for education. Learning from my own mistakes aswell as highlighting, and learning from others too

Got another MOT due, not looking forward to it, so I’ll find out how much I get set back for that, then that’s everything over with for another year. Although I’ll be putting in another MOT around July / Aug / Sept, so I can create a nice gap

I’ve been continuing with my stocks/shares investments too to try and work on my little nest egg. Saving money I get back financially from shopping and saving money in the bank whilst paying down my debts. So win win. Money going up, debts going down.

I long for the day I’m debt free (Fingers crossed on my 40th birthday).

On for another month