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Affiliate Earnings October 2022

How much did I earn in October 2022?

Some rubbish conversions this time compared to previous months. I don’t really have enough date for my website to carry out some good A/B testing to work on trends so have to practice with the data I have. I’m mainly just focussing on new content, as the Blog gets a low amount of traffic compared to my normal site. I plan to keep this section for projects I’m working on. Ideally I want to migrate everything to a new HTML5 layout, but theat’s no easy task for someone who teaches himself web design.

My affiliate earnings for October 2022

Google Adsense£1.65
eBay Partner Network£1.12Commision earnings
Amazon Affiliates£0.00
Youtube£0.00This channel will be for Dashcam/Road Safety
Amazon KDP£0.00

Total Earnings for October 2022


Monthly admin thoughts

The war in Ukraine and cost of living problems are causing a lot of tightening of the wallets. As such I expect websites like mine will also be hit, people want to buy less products in order to save money. End of the day those tyres on the car can go a “few” more miles before they’re needed.

I’m not overly worried about the cost of living. Sure it’s on my mind like everyone else, I’m personally just focussing on my future and my growth as goals. Due to my interest in retiring early, I need to not only develop a source of income to keep me going, but a nest egg to live off and also growing my portfolio

This month I’ve invested in Trading212 and also trying out cryptomining again and working with new Technologies like Earnapp to generate some additional income. I’ve also started putting some money into the UK NS&I Premium Bonds. They’re a government backed product where basically 100% of the investment is protected, and you can also withdraw it. Whilst premium bonds have really low odds for winning, there’s prized on it, which can either be paid out directly to your bank, or paid back into the account. I’m looking at using money won, or earned through sources to reinvest into other ventures and work out compounding them for growth.

The next investments I will be making will be something like a LISA (Lifetime ISA), which increases your investment for first homes between 18-40 up to 50 IIRC. The government top it up to increase it’s value too.