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Affiliate Earnings December 2024

How much did I earn in December 2024?

Let’s get this post started by first saying Happy New Year to all. Hopefully your Xmas and New Year were good, onwards to better things

OK performance this month for the time of the year, December is always a slow month for me as an affiliate. It’s pretty much expected for me because people are spending money at Xmas times, so you always have presents that need buying, then finding money to fix your car usually becomes the last thing you want to do.

My conversion rate is getting better, and earnings per clicks on articles are OK. Still working on Amazon affiliates as they’re the best paying out the networks I use.

Final link was also a pending commission, someone decided to make a purchase of a service through an affiliate link in my Virgin Internet post article. As they had signed up they receive a £50 credit, and I receive a £50 commission if they stay for 3 months (so thank you whoever you are)!

Going to look at creating Youtube content again when I work on my car too. As previously when I was monetised with Youtube, I had ~500 subscribers, I used to make better payouts as a Youtube affiliate (I think it was around £10-20 per month iirc)


My affiliate earnings for December 2024

Google Adsense£3.27 (£23.25)Rolling balance
eBay Partner Network5.39Commision earnings
Amazon Affiliates£1.40
Newsflare£0.00Abandoned Youtube, better results with Newsflare
Shopping Receipts£0.00Amazon Shopper Panel
Amazon KDP£0.00
Other£0.00 (£50.00)Pending payment

Total Earnings for December 2024

£10.06 + £50 pending commission

Monthly admin thoughts

Semrush is still my go to, it’s help me resolve the errors with my website so I now have less bounce rate overall. I’m now working on creating articles that I’ve been meaning to do with projects, and keywords.

The next article/content is going to be related to my Weather Station. I get traffic, but they’re low volume, so I’m more interested in keywords with volume, as that’s where the search traffic comes through. Making use of the keyword magic tool with Semrush also helps me work out what content to write

I think the main thing when it comes to affiliate articles, is that sites like EPN and Google Adsense help me work out which articles I need to target for better volume keywords, or higher paying keywords. As normally these ones are good earners on the affiliate networks in terms of conversion rate, but offer low payouts.

This is why I’d rather partner up with local Businesses, rather than go throguh a network where I’m paid £0.01 or £0.02 per click, I can find someone who would pay for the adspace to directly sell on their website, or perhaps buy products from them where I may receive 10 x this amount for every sale or click. I’m also interested in CPA type affiliates so I get money for driving the traffic rather than making the sale. As I know my website articles are highly rated for their keywords, it’s just I suck at conversion ratio. I’d rather signpost people to the resources where they can buy them, and then receive a commission that way. People find what they want, and I get paid as an affiliate. It’s a win win

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