Sometimes it pays to save for those Rainy Days. That odd £10-20 pound per month spare you have could go into savings for the times when you know it’s hard
Recently and for the next couple of months my bank account is taking a severe hit.
I had no more money to come out before payday last month then the account suddenly went to around £200 into an overdraft. Woe me I forgot about my AA membership
(edit – must remember to get the discount back)
This has had a knock on effect since I was paid, still currently 22 days until payday and already £160 overdrawn on my bank 🙁 and yet more payments to come out :/
Luckily I’m getting a large pay this month and next month, but it’s still hitting me hard because I have got to get my MOT + Car Tax yet. OMG it never rains but it pours!
Now, where did I put those scratchcards and lotto tickets, fingers crossed.
In the meantime I’m busy ebaying some crap I no longer want to build up money and I get paid off a contract and my youtube position next month so should be back in the green. Fingers x’d things pay off. Best recall all the money I constantly lend people and ask for it back