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Affiliate Earnings January 2024

Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

How much did I earn in January 2023?

Work continues on my home electronics workbench project. I was having a problem in terms of supporting the bench from sagging. It wasn’t sagging much, but it was annoying. Due to me being very OCD with the desk height, I did a lot of measuring and remeasuring (still made mistakes). However the final desk height was only a couple of mm short, so I’m happy.

It’s now been braced up and I can finish off the rest this weekend

The website continues to grow. I’m trying to focus on the store more now, as my ideas are flowing in a Business sense and I want to put them into action and start making products. As it’s frustrating me more using affiliate links, when there’s a lot of products I can simply make and sell myself.

My affiliate earnings for January2024

Google Adsense£3.79
eBay Partner Network£4.20Commision earnings
Amazon Affiliates£0.00
Newsflare£0.00Abandoned Youtube, better results with Newsflare
Shopping Receipts£0.00Amazon Shopper Panel
Amazon KDP£0.00

Total Earnings for January 2024


Monthly admin thoughts

Website performance continues to improve. I’ve noticed my traffic has started to increase and rankings. I suspect this is more down to my Instagram as I tend to be more active on there now. I’m not sure how to track campaigns to pages though through Instagram so just keep posting.


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