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Affiliate Earnings October 2024

How much did I earn in October 2024?

Website performance, around the same. Earned slightly bit more money this month, my web hosting fees have been increased, but I’m renewing on a 3 year policy to keep them locked in. Plus I have no issues with my host, they’re quick to reply and it’s been so long since I’ve had a stable one I like using. I prefer having minimal involvement so I can just focus on my site.

Going to focus more on SEO now and generating more income, as I’ve now got electronics, there’s a Dashcam electronics module I’ve been wanting to design to add to my shop. Something simple, but trying to work on moving away from affiliate systems as I’ve recently discovered it adds a toxicity score to my website. I’m not sure how much it hurts my website ranking, but the lower the toxicity the better right?


My affiliate earnings for October 2024

Google Adsense£3.73 (£16.94)Rolling balance
eBay Partner Network£5.93Commision earnings
Amazon Affiliates£0.07
Newsflare£0.00Abandoned Youtube, better results with Newsflare
Shopping Receipts£0.00Amazon Shopper Panel
Amazon KDP£0.00

Total Earnings for October 2024


Monthly admin thoughts

This month has been / will be expensive, it’s going to cost me over £300 for my website hosting. I can afford, just never like paying lump sums out. I’ve also purchased a monthly membership to Semrush, I thought to the hell with it. I’ve been talking about it, and need to work on my website, so now it’s costing me around £130 per month for my SEO analysis.

I’m still on the fence about keeping it running, but I’m enjoying it for now. I discovered a few tools that I never knew about. One of them being a Disavow tool by Google, websites that are backlinking into you and hurting your score you can format a file to remove them from Google. This is a google capability, my favourite thing with Semrush so far is how much it handholds you. I’m not an expert, so it’s good it tells you the steps to follow, or properly formats the file as needed.

I do need to work on my sitemaps though, might redesign them.  I need to be more hands on with creating my files, because all the software used fills them with junk.

Affiliate wise, I had a couple of nice sales on eBay. Woudl have been more but it looks like one of them refunded a purchase, as the sales dropped around £40 from their initial point. Adsense is doing OK, I’m just leaving it to build as always, however it’s going up in RPM by the looks of it.

The only thing that bothers me is that Semrush keeps listing my site as “money” so my site has a high toxicity score, because I have a lot of offsite links which it deems suspicious. Wondering if this is to do with me cloaking the URL rather than a long URL, so bit of research needed there. Still going to keep posting for now, eventual next step is design the electronics module. Then start fabricating for sale on website through the next design shopify store.





Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

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